August 5th marked Eleanor Lee's six months. It's been hard every month but this was especially hurtful because when I was pregnant I had very specific plans for this day.
Dan and I have always joked that one of the perks of having children will be that we can finally buy one of those ugly plastic wading pools they sell at the grocery store for the back yard. We talked about how nice it would be that Eleanor would be 6 months old and still have a solid month of warm weather to enjoy. We would have bought the very smallest of the plastic pools. She would be steady enough to hold her head up and, maybe with the help of her bumbo chair, don her very first swimsuit and have her very first dip in the pool!
So that's why I am especially sad on her 6 month day. Because I had so clearly pictured how this day would be and, of course, it looks very different.
But there is some good. We are 15 weeks along, awaiting our second child. The risks are scary, one in 10, so they say. But we are praying and hoping everyday that this will be out take home baby. There are so many here that are waiting to meet this sibling. And I feel that Eleanor is rooting for us and, if she can, doing everything to get this baby here and home.
But I will never call this baby my Rainbow Baby, as is often the terminology among parents who have experienced a loss. I understand the thought behind the words but they just aren't for me. Eleanor was not a storm I had to endure and this baby will not be my reward for losing her or a symbol of the end of the grief. She was a beautiful first child and I will love her and miss her and enjoy remembering her forever.
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